Monday, November 7, 2011

Our Return to World of Warcraft

fter some long and hard debating, Alice and I have returned to the World of Warcraft. We had a number of reasons for thinking about doing so, and it started from talking about how Mists of Pandaria didn't make sense oddly enough, but then it also brought up that Blizzard might also be improving on the aspects of WoW that we liked, so we ended up trying to look for some trials we didn't use to see how the game would be after so much time passed. We had some trials that Blizzard sent out for the release of 4.2 however when I tried to activate mine it turns out that the link wasn't existent anymore, so we didn't have anything else to fallback on other than that. That led us to purchasing a full 1 month subscription and using the Scroll of Resurrection on me where I will also purchase 1 month during that time. In any case, that leads us to where we are today and why I haven't posted much, we've been changing our regular games quite frequently now but as of now, we're back in WoW. These are basically a few things of what we've done so far.

-Leveled to 19 on new mains, I am a Goblin Warrior, and Alice is a Goblin Mage
-Fished up Ol' Crafty again in Orgrimmar which was really lucky on my part
-Found out that while Blizzard seems to have cut back on “twinks” (player characters that basically have the best equipment in a lower than endgame level) they also seemed to have enforced/supported twinks at the same time through Heirloom equipment.-
-Found out that Bind on Account items cannot be sent across servers
-Were astounded by a member of a random dungeon group we were grouped with which I won't go into further detail about at the moment, but may possibly later
-Were able to see the improvements on the Goblin starting zone from the beta, mostly in that they added a cut scene, and they fixed the “Town-in-a-box” which used to literally be surrounded by an invisible wall, making it impossible to get in without managing to climb the wall
-Lastly we quested farther than we have in the past on the post Cataclysm Horde side, our previous highest levels before then were 73 Paladins.

So far I'm really liking the quest lines because it's interesting to see how some characters are warlike like Garrosh or more civilized and “new Hordelike”, the ones that were basically more like Thrall and to an extent, Grom Hellscream, and I'm interested to see how the quests will progress and if the two distinct faces of the Horde will clash, I've heard about the Thunder Bluff predicament of course, but other than that I'm pretty much unaware of there will be any more tension within the horde.

That about wraps up what we've been doing lately, we will still also be involved with League of Legends to an extent, but we've added World of Warcraft into the games that we're primarily playing right now.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Grand Theft Auto 5 - First Trailer (with speculation)

I never really followed or saw much Grand Theft Auto news for the past few years and I was surprised by it considering that usually when a new extremely popular game comes out or is announced, I usually can't stop hearing more of it even if I tried. I only recently found out why there was that lack of existence, because there really wasn't much existing to talk about at all, Grand Theft Auto 5 was only heavily speculated and rumored, at least until now. Rockstar announced that Grand Theft Auto 5 is actually in development and today they released the first trailer for the game.

I've had different feelings about it's predecessor, Grand Theft Auto 4, and even games that came before it did in the series; games such as Grand Theft Auto 3, San Andreas, Vice City or even 2 before all of those. There was a noticeable shift in the entire series at a few points in it's life time, the first being of course the shift from old generation consoles ending with GTA 2 and moving onto 3 at which point the game went onto being 3D and had a more cinematic presentation and somewhat more streamlined flow rather than go where ever you want and do missions for whoever you want (although you could still almost go where ever you want). In any case however, the series continued basically the same way with a few minor improvements in Vice City, and then started to show signs of change in San Andreas with various inclusions such as appearance customization, and including RPG elements such as gaining levels in skills. After San Andreas however, GTA went back to it's roots basically with GTA 4, not only taking place in the same city that GTA 3 did, but also almost mechanically as well. GTA 4, while very polished, refined, and definitely the next level up in the GTA series, reminded me of playing GTA 3 in that it seemed much more clunky than Vice City or San Andreas, although after playing the game for a long period of time, I decided that that “chunkiness” was just the game being GTA 4, and it intentionally provides a weight to everything for a sense of realism even to the extent of it's realism getting in the way of what you wanted to do in a GTA game, much like it would do in reality. With all of that said, that finally leads us to GTA 5.

I believe GTA 5 will continue the tradition of showing the change in the GTA series from just how Rockstar has improved on their implementation and utilization on the Euphoria engine between the time period of GTA 4 and Red Dead Redemption. If you've played RDR and also have played GTA 4, you can immediately spot the differences and similarities in game play, from how movement is more fluid and less dragged on by weight in RDR, to how the shooting mechanics are just in general way more improved and easier to use in RDR as well. With the lessons learned (or created) in RDR, I feel like if Rockstar carries that onto GTA 5, it would end up being a massive difference from GTA 4, however at the same time there's a possibility they won't do that at all because it would separate the two feelings of both games too much, but only time will tell.

As for the actual trailer, if you haven't seen it yet, you can find a link to it below here.

The trailer itself looks much more like the few things that I've seen from Max Payne 3 stylistically more than GTA 4. The video just seems much more bright and colorful than in has in the past. Although that may just be the improvement of graphics, as even RDR had a sense of being colorful, moreso than GTA 4. There has also been some talk of speculation that I heard from Adam who he heard from other people that speculated things such as :

-The main character is Tommy Vercetti from Grand Theft Auto : Vice City
-Niko Bellic is in the trailer as a homeless man
-CJ/Carl Johnson would have a part
-There are multiple playable characters

My take on those is that for the first one, I wouldn't mind if Tommy Vercetti was the main character as I really liked Vice City even though my liking of the character Tommy Vercetti was somewhat questionable. Although according to the trailer, if the narration voice is indeed him, then he has at least slightly changed for the better. For Niko Bellic being the homeless man shown in the trailer, I don't think that he honestly looks much like Niko at all, of course he is wearing the same outfit that Niko starts out with in GTA 4, and if the game takes 20 years after GTA 4, then it would be possible as he would probably not be easily recognizable. As the game takes place in San Andreas (apparently) it would only make sense to have the main character of San Andreas have some role in the story or at least make a brief appearance. Finally as for the multiple playable characters, after hearing that Tommy Vercetti would be the main character, I'm actually against that because I want to see how he has changed throughout the years and spending the entire game as him and seeing his view point the entire way through would be a suitable way to do that.

Finally, I still don't have that many real expectations for GTA 5 other than the one that of course many other people will have, that the game will be good if not superb. However, I do have one speculation or hope of my own that is based off the hearsay that Tommy Vercetti is the main character. If he does take that role, I would like to see mention or involvement of the other characters in Vice City that were involved with him in someway. Of course, that part should go without question anyway as the other characters were essential in Tommy Vercetti's role throughout Vice City. As I said before though, only time will tell what GTA 5 ends up becoming and if any of the speculation is true at all. With that said, the trailer made me excited for the game, and I will definitely want to play it sometime after whenever it releases.